Thursday, September 27, 2012

September 27th-Days 24, 25, 26, and 27
I want to make sure people know that I did not take this epic picture which is one of my new favorite photographs of all time, thus becoming my wallpaper. But its been a few days since I last posted anything here but I've had good reasons...Monday night I was playing soccer and had an essay to write, and the other days I was just kind of least I am back tonight. I've talked to more strangers in these past few days than I have probably in this entire month. I complimented random people, went to an business seminar type thing, and just asked questions of people. It is interesting to hear what people have to say. I started to read The Time Machine by H. G. Wells and it is fascinating. I like it more than both The Sun Also Rises and  Hard Times. Unfortunately I am going to have to take a break from it and start looking over Hard Times again for class...but thats what I have to do to succeed. I keep exercising with my 50 push-up goal in mind and I will do it on Sunday. My writing ability with my right hand is improving and I keep practicing simple coin tricks and a cup and balls trick. I can now say I have mastered five different card tricks with some other fun things with cards as well. My drawings of faces are getting better, I just need to practice shading in order to create depth and shapes of the nose, eyes, and jaw. Today I am going to write about James Hawkins, a man who helped me make one of the best decisions of my life. When I was only a freshman in high school, I wasn't sure whether or not I was going to try out for Tour Choir (Northport's select choir) because I was in Boy Scouts at the time. During the annual choir walk-around, I was sitting around people listening to them since I was shy and didn't say much. When I was asked whether or not I would try out I replied "I wasn't sure" and James told me that it is worth it. And boy was he right. He took me under his wing and helped me throughout the year, and was also influential in getting me to try out for Les Miserables. He is deeply passionate about what he does and will never give up on his team (Proof-->he is a Mets fan). My favorite memory that I have with him is during one of the show rehearsals, we ripped the brim off one of my hats and the next day James gave me his Houston Astros hat, which I still wear on occasion. I don't know what my life would be like if he hadn't been there to convince me to try out for Tour Choir and it was one of the best influenced decisions I have ever made. Until tomorrow, here's to life

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