Sunday, September 30, 2012

October Challenges...

With a new month comes new challenges. This time I want to try more measurable tasks so I can better gauge my progress as I go along. Here is what I plan to do:

  1. Hold a handstand for at least five seconds
  2. Learn to moonwalk
  3. 10 pull-ups
  4. Run a mile under 6:30
  5. Learn a new word in both English and Spanish each day
  6. Talk with a stranger each day
  7. Read for at least 30 minutes everyday
  8. Take a picture
  9. Practice a random "party" skill
  10. Learn how to shade objects to give dimensions
  11. Stop biting/chewing on nails
  12. Memorize a new quote each week
  13. Compose a dance song
  14. Leave a note somewhere for a stranger
  15. Write about someone new

*All these are subject to editing, especially the fitness goals*

September 30th-Day 30 & Final Recap

1. Talk to a stranger everyday
2. Read two or more chapters of a book each day
3. By the end of the month, 50 consecutive push-ups
4. Take a picture each day
5. Write in a journal everyday
6. Get rid of one thing each day
7. Make someone feel good everyday
8. Learn how to draw a face
9. Master 5 card tricks
10. Practice a random skill each day (e.g. juggling, coin tricks, pen tricks, etc.)

It is officially the last day of September so it is time to look back at my progress over the course of this month. Goal 1: Talk to a stranger every day...this was the hardest goal for me since my friends would consider me socially awkward with first encounters. I didn't do this everyday like I hoped I would, but I have been doing more as the month progressed and am getting more comfortable doing so. Goal 2: Read two or more chapters of a book each day...this was one of my favorite goals because I love to read. I finished two novels, read numerous short stories, and a bunch of articles online. Goal 3: 50 consecutive push-ups...this is something that I have always wanted to be able to do and I finally did it today. Right when I woke up I knocked them all out and felt a surge of energy once I completed them. I am proud of myself for being able to do this for the first time in my life. Goal 4: Take a picture each day...this was one of the easier goals that I set for myself and usually was able to do it. What I would like to improve on is taking more diverse pictures instead of waiting until the day is nearly over to do it. Goal 5: Write in a journal everyday...I enjoyed doing this because I will be able to look back and see how I was feeling throughout the month. Also I can use the journal to work out any ideas that may be in my head. I have started to expand on this by carrying a marble notebook with me to write down things at random points during the day. Goal 6: Get rid of one thing each day...this was easier at first because I was able to discard things which I didn't use/need. But towards the end of the month it became more difficult because I had less things to choose from. I saved the biggest for last and am getting rid of my printer which doesn't work anymore (it stopped working this past week) and is just taking up space. Goal 7: Make someone feel good everyday...this was my favorite goal. I loved to write about my friends and felt even better when I saw a reply of gratitude. It is an incredible feeling that I want to continually experience. Goal 8: Learn how to draw a face...this was challenging for me. I never really saw myself as an artist but I got better the more I practiced. The picture above is something I drew this morning and was based off a picture of myself...lets just say I still have room for improvement. I am happy that my ability has gotten much better than it originally was. Goal 9: Master five card tricks...this ended up being one of the easier goals on the list and I plan to continue practicing and learning more in the future. I think it is neat to be able to find a person's card in a deck of 52. Goal 10: Practice a random skill each day...over the course of this month I have been able to learn a bunch of cool tricks. I know some simple coin magic, I taught myself a simple cup and balls routine, I can juggle three balls with two hands or two balls with one hand, and finally my penmanship with my right hand has improved since I started practicing. I also wrote a poem. I never thought I would do that when it isn't a class assignment. So that has been the month of September and tomorrow brings a new month and new challenges. So for a final time this month, here's to life!

Saturday, September 29, 2012

September 29th-Day 29

Today is the second to last day of September...I can't believe this month is just about over now. The picture above is a face that I drew today with one of the best noses I have ever done. I'll draw another face tomorrow and post that as well as a finale of that challenge. I was able to get a lot of things done today and feel really good. I exercised, practiced my magic, and got rid of a book that I don't plan on reading anytime soon. It is amazing to look back and think about everything I have done in this past month. It feels tremendous to have accomplished so much. Today I'm writing about John Martin. He was the choir president my freshman year of high school and he is one of the nicest people I know. John is incredibly friendly and is passionate about social issues. I admire his bubbly personality and his ability to easily have a conversation with people. I will always remember John as the priest in Les Miserables from my freshman/his senior year. Until tomorrow, here's to life

Friday, September 28, 2012

September 28th-Day 28

Today was a great day to relax but still get stuff done. I still worked out, and I even wrote some poetry for fun. I can't say I ever have done that before. I practiced my card tricks and wrote with my right hand. I also played around with some music for the first time in a while which was a lot of fun. Today I'm writing about my wonderful mom, Virginia Luft. It is her birthday and I felt like I should give her some web-based spotlight. I can't imagine growing up with anyone else as a mother and I have no idea how she is able to handle all of us kids (there are six of us). Especially when neither Lindsay nor I could drive and help her out. My mom is gorgeous,  can laugh at a good joke, and loves us no matter what. I love her so much and she deserves to hear it everyday. She has done a tremendous job raising my siblings and I and I'll always be indebted to her because she has done so much for me. So Mom, thank you so much for all that you do and I love you so much. Until tomorrow, here's to life

Thursday, September 27, 2012

September 27th-Days 24, 25, 26, and 27
I want to make sure people know that I did not take this epic picture which is one of my new favorite photographs of all time, thus becoming my wallpaper. But its been a few days since I last posted anything here but I've had good reasons...Monday night I was playing soccer and had an essay to write, and the other days I was just kind of least I am back tonight. I've talked to more strangers in these past few days than I have probably in this entire month. I complimented random people, went to an business seminar type thing, and just asked questions of people. It is interesting to hear what people have to say. I started to read The Time Machine by H. G. Wells and it is fascinating. I like it more than both The Sun Also Rises and  Hard Times. Unfortunately I am going to have to take a break from it and start looking over Hard Times again for class...but thats what I have to do to succeed. I keep exercising with my 50 push-up goal in mind and I will do it on Sunday. My writing ability with my right hand is improving and I keep practicing simple coin tricks and a cup and balls trick. I can now say I have mastered five different card tricks with some other fun things with cards as well. My drawings of faces are getting better, I just need to practice shading in order to create depth and shapes of the nose, eyes, and jaw. Today I am going to write about James Hawkins, a man who helped me make one of the best decisions of my life. When I was only a freshman in high school, I wasn't sure whether or not I was going to try out for Tour Choir (Northport's select choir) because I was in Boy Scouts at the time. During the annual choir walk-around, I was sitting around people listening to them since I was shy and didn't say much. When I was asked whether or not I would try out I replied "I wasn't sure" and James told me that it is worth it. And boy was he right. He took me under his wing and helped me throughout the year, and was also influential in getting me to try out for Les Miserables. He is deeply passionate about what he does and will never give up on his team (Proof-->he is a Mets fan). My favorite memory that I have with him is during one of the show rehearsals, we ripped the brim off one of my hats and the next day James gave me his Houston Astros hat, which I still wear on occasion. I don't know what my life would be like if he hadn't been there to convince me to try out for Tour Choir and it was one of the best influenced decisions I have ever made. Until tomorrow, here's to life

Sunday, September 23, 2012

September 23rd-Day 23

I finished The Sun Also Rises today and even though it took a little bit to grasp the Hemingway's idea, I enjoyed it a lot. He really illustrated the plight of the "lost generation" and how they struggled to find a purpose in life. There have been times that I've felt "lost" but I find a way and get back on track. Then again, I don't think there is necessarily a track that one is supposed to stay on. Each person is different and goes through different experiences to become who they are. I did my push-ups for the day, I still wonder whether or not I'll be able to do 50 at the end of the month. I practiced my magic some more today and also began learning a new card trick which is coming along well. I never write about writing in my journal, but I have been fairly consistent with that in case you were wondering. Today I'm going to write about James Renna. In all honesty, I don't know him very well but what I do know is that he is comfortable with who he is. He has created a persona for himself which he owns and I admire him for doing that, especially since some people don't like him for it. He is who he is and that is something everyone should strive to achieve. James is also passionate about music and is following his passion to become a DJ which is something I would love to do. Well that is all for today so here's to life

Saturday, September 22, 2012

September 22nd-Days 21 & 22

These past two days have been fairly typical with nothing major to report. I've been working on my goals but I still can do a lot better. I've learned a new magic trick and practiced writing with my right hand. I'm exercising and working on making my life better. Having support around me helps more than anything so thank you to all who do support what I am doing. Today I'm going to write about my friend Matt Kunkel. I met him while I was a junior and we became friends during the show. He probably knows as much about theater as anybody I know and his dedication to it is immense. Matt is a great director, stage manager, actor, and I think he can do any part of a production which is incredible. I'm excited to see what he has in store for his senior year and where he will go in life. I'll write more tomorrow, until then, here's to life

Thursday, September 20, 2012

September 20th-I'll Never Forget

Today I'm going to forgo a post about what I did today. Instead it will be about this past year. It has been one year since I dropped out of Dickinson College and returned home after only a month of being away. I reached the lowest point in my life and I didn't know what to do with myself. Since then, I have worked full time, gone back to school, started writing my blogs, helping train my brothers' soccer teams, and am now at one of the happiest points in my life. For now, the best day ever is still November 2nd, 2010 because I asked Allie out and she said yes, and I scored a goal in my game against Newfield, which we won in overtime. But anyways, I cannot give enough thanks to the people who have supported me all throughout the tough times, even when I tried to push them away. My life in this year has completely changed for the better and I am so grateful to be where I am in my life. I want everyone out there who is struggling through a hard time to know that things do get better. Anything is possible if you let it. There is often a negative stigma that accompanies the idea of self-improvement sites and movies, but they have helped me immensely. You can do anything you want. Here are ten rules of life that I created for myself that help me get through anything:

1. Always say “please” and “thank you” whenever possible
2. Take the opportunity to disconnect from all screens at least once a day
3. Visualize and pray about what you want and are grateful for daily
4. Pay attention to contextà you don’t know every person’s situation
5. Use the Law of Attraction
6. Things will always get better as long as you think they will. If you think they won’t, they won’t
7. Never stop learning things that interest you. You can be as smart as you want to be
8. Appreciate everything you love about life
9. Have faith and be positive
10. Love life
Here's to life

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

September 19th-Day 19

This picture is of the vision board that I have been working on. On it are physical things I want to have, people who inspire me, and my bucket list. This past month has changed my life and I want to inspire others to change for the better. I know it sounds crazy but it is all in the attitude. I never thought I could just be more of a positive person, but here I am and it feels great. Today I'm writing about someone who I didn't know particularly well in high school, but I admire him all the same. Nick Bruno is the most talented photographer I have ever met or seen pictures from. And what is amazing is that he isn't just great at photography. He is a truly skilled sculptor and artist in every sense of the word. He has found his niche and I am always astounded when I look at what he has done. Here is a link to his website and I highly recommend checking out some of his work: Nicolas Bruno Photography. Today school resumed and classes were enjoyable and made me think about free speech (more on that will come in my other blog). For my random skill today, I choose to practice a new coin trick as well as practicing writing with my right hand. Tomorrow it will be time to learn a new card trick to add to my growing collection which is better than I thought it would be. Instead of drawing a face today, I practiced drawing random items around the house trying to get better at making things look realistic. Today was fantastic and I hope everyone has a great day tomorrow. So until then, here's to life

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

September 18th-Days 17 & 18

Yesterday I traveled back home to New York after a wonderful weekend trip to visit Allie. And for the past two days I have been having fun bonding with my brothers, Tom and Nick, and my Dad while the rest of my family was away. In this past year I have started to get along a lot better with my brothers and whenever we go out together now we can have a blast. We joke, laugh, poke fun at other people, and make amazing memories. I can't wait for our next adventure we all go on together. I practiced the card shuffle I was learning on Sunday again and have got it down pretty well. I haven't read yet, but will before I go to sleep tonight. I feel like I am getting stronger and I am seeing results from my exercise which makes me want to do more. It is hard to believe that the month is almost over and I need to start thinking about new goals for the month of October. Until tomorrow, here's to life

Sunday, September 16, 2012

September 16th-Day 16

Today was just a day for relaxing...until I had to spend three hours at the MCLA library  because Allie had study hall. This was good for both of us though. We were both able to get a lot of work done without distractions. I was able to do most of my homework so the rest of my break will be full of fun, I taught myself a new card shuffle, wrote a post for my other blog (It Is The Simple Things), read some more of the  book, and just browsed the web for fun. The Sun Also Rises is a very interesting read, especially since I can somewhat relate to the main characters as being "lost". Then again, I have found my way a bit, this blog being a large part of which is good. I am still searching for some answers that I will find. Today I am going to write about Pj Basel, a friend who is in his senior year of high school. I have known him since he was a freshman and I was a junior. He has grown so much in the years that I have known him and he has become a great guy. He is a great musician, athletic, funny, and we have shared unforgettable experiences with each other. From the shows we did to going to the Chelsea FC vs. PSG soccer game at the new Yankee Stadium where we yelled our hearts out. Even though he can be annoying, he is a great friend who is loyal to those who deserve loyalty. I hope he enjoys his senior year and all the experiences that go along with it. Until next time, here's to life

Saturday, September 15, 2012

September 15th-Day 15

Today started my four-day break from school (gotta love getting off for all the Jewish holidays :]) and took a trip up to see my wonderful girlfriend Allie and see her play volleyball. Its feels great to be able to have a break from school and my family, as much as I love them. That being said, I didn't practice any card tricks or random skills, but was still able to exercise and meet new people. Today I'm going to write about my best friend Connor Nolan. When we first became friends in our Junior year, I was an anti-social kid with few close friends and didn't go out much. But thanks to him, I have started to come out of my shell and we have had the best adventures together. From getting lost in Europe, to acting as a gay couple in Curtains, to having the best chemistry allowing us to save our Senior year show, A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Forum. If I ever need somebody to talk to he is there for me and I'll never be able to forget the experiences we have shared with each other. I don't know what my life would be like if we hadn't become friends and he has had more of an impact than anyone else on who I am. I am so thankful that he came into my life and has changed it forever. Connor, thank you for all that you've done for me. I love you man

Friday, September 14, 2012

September 14th-Days 13 & 14

Not every day can be perfect and off-days are bound to happen. Today was one of those days, but its alright because it got better as the day progressed. I didn't do too much on my list today, yesterday was much better. Although I did get to know a bunch of new people in my volleyball class which was good. Also the face that I drew looked semi-realistic. I can just look toward tomorrow and work hard to do better.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

September 12th-Day 12

I know this isn't a photo that I took today, but it is a video that my brother showed me and I really like. Life is all in the mind and how you think about it. Thats part of the reason I am doing this journey. But anyways, I started to learn a new card trick that will surely impress all the ladies. Its harder than the past few but I think it is more impressive. I played through Apologize by OneRepublic today for the first time without stopping and I am pleased with how well it sounded. I'm enjoying The Sun Also Rises much more than Hard Times and I cannot wait to read more tomorrow. My friend of the day is a guy who was an inspiration to me while I was a freshman and made me want to be the best I could be. His name is Cory Ryan, now a senior at Wake Forest University. He was one of the best singers, extremely friendly, and excelled at whatever he set his mind to. Cory is one of those people who everyone wants to be friends with and he will be anyone's friend. I finished cleaning one shelf of my bookshelf off and now have one left until all the space has a useful purpose. I hope everyone has a wonderful day tomorrow and until then, here's to life

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

September 11th-Day 11

I want to start off today in memorial of the victims and all those who were affected by the tragic events of eleven years ago. We owe our freedom to all the men and women who fight for this country. Hence why I chose to take a picture of the crest of the USA soccer crest and the reverse side of the crest with the letters "DTOM" (Don't Tread On Me). Today was another enjoyable day and I was able to get a lot done. I practiced my piano playing and can nearly play through the whole song with chords. I also think I can say that I have mastered three different card tricks so I'll start to learn a new one tomorrow. When I talked to a stranger today, I asked what she would do if she only had five years to live. Like many people, she said that she would like to travel around the world. This is something I would definitely try to do, especially after visiting Europe with my high school choir, one of the best experiences of my life. I finally got to start reading a new book, and I chose Ernest Hemingway's The Sun Also Rises which is much easier to read than Hard Times. I am still working on my fitness and am I excited to see how fit I can become. Today I want to mention Sean Kummer, a friend who graduated a year before me. One of the friendliest men I know, he will be there for you or anyone if you need to talk. He has a great sense of humor and has answered the call and is working for United States Navy Reserve. We shared a lot of laughs third period of my junior, his senior year and I hope that he is doing well. Until tomorrow, never forget, here's to life

Monday, September 10, 2012

September 10-Days 9 & 10

Once again, I just really wanted to go to bed last night. But that didn't keep me from working on my goals. These past two days have been very successful in terms of the 10 goals I am focusing on. I drew half of a face that looks pretty decent yesterday, but when I tried to do a whole face today, the results didn't quite come out as nicely. This is a picture of an artsy craft I made the other day by melting crayons on a piece of wood and taping off the areas for the mouth and eyes. I have nearly mastered a third card trick already, so at this rate I might be able to have more than five in my repertoire. For my random skill these past two days, I have continued my practice of the piano. I am teaching myself to be able to play chords along with songs for now. I can almost play Apologize by OneRepublic which is one of my favorite songs. And even more good news: I finally finished reading Hard Times. It was an interesting book, but definitely not one of my favorites. I'm excited to return to reading things that I prefer. Today my person of interest is Maria Garvey, who is one of the sweetest, and most talented people I have the pleasure to know. Maria is a phenomenal dancer and singer who I'm sure will make it far on the stage or screen. I cannot ever remember her being mean to anyone which I admire and she can by hysterically funny and make anyone laugh. I want to wish her the best of luck in college this year and to have a great time. Until tomorrow, here's to life

Saturday, September 8, 2012

September 8th-Day 8

This is a fortune that my brother got after eating Chinese food for dinner. I had no idea that fortune cookies could be so sassy. Today I got back to working on all my goals. Exercising a bit, reading that book (cannot wait to finish Hard Times) and drew a face. The eyes and lips look pretty decent, but the ears and nose need a lot of work. I still have a lot of time to improve with this. After one week I can proudly say I have mastered two card tricks that I now include in my arsenal for impressing young children.I practiced playing the piano today as my random skill since it is something I have always wanted to get better at. I'd like to be able to play more than just The Scientist and Fix You by Coldplay. I got rid of another model that was just taking up space in my room so I have a bit more space on my bookshelf. Today I'm going to write about my good friend Ryan Cain. We met in high school and we bonded over similar advanced classes and our similar beliefs in Catholicism. He is one of the most devout Catholics I know and admire the faith that he has. He is very smart (the fact that he is studying at Notre Dame is proof) and is a fun guy to be around. I am honored to be able to call him my friend and I am certain that he is going to go places once he graduates. That's it for today so here's to life

Friday, September 7, 2012

September 7th-Day 7

I enjoyed my time off today and was able to sleep in since my volleyball class was canceled. I took the day to relax and not do too much but watched TV. At least I did some push-ups and ab exercises during the commercial breaks so I didn't rot. I went out with some of brothers and went shopping at the outlets where I took the picture above. I haven't read yet, but plan to do so before I go to sleep tonight. Today I'm writing about my friend Amanda Failla. We had been in school with each other from elementary school through high school, but it wasn't until our junior year that we became close. She is an incredible talent and she was amazing in our school's production of Curtains (there are some videos of the shows on my Facebook account if you want proof). What made it more unbelievable is that she performed on a broken foot. We had great times in choir and in Europe together, and it is marvels me how close we became in such a short time. Its time for me to try and get some rest now so until tomorrow, here's to life

Thursday, September 6, 2012

While You Are Here...

While you are here and if you haven't checked it out yet, click on the link to the right to see my other blog (No Direction, No Idea), where I just write about anything that comes to mind. Here's to life

September 6th-Day 6

I didn't have an internet connection yesterday until I got home from soccer at 11:30 and I was too tired to turn my laptop back on so I skipped yesterday's writing. I still did my best to do all the items. Today I got a good amount of things done. I am now about halfway through Hard Times and it is still a slow read unfortunately. It is getting easier to do push ups each day so I am getting stronger and I should be able to do 50 by October. Today I met this girl named Lila (I don't know how to spell her name). She is five years old and she reminded me of the innocence of young children and how simple life was when I was younger. She is at the age where one can do things but not get in trouble because they don't know much better, as opposed to my brothers who know exactly what they are doing (most of the time). I am going to write about my friend Amanda Gvozden today, who was one of the few people from my brief stint at Dickinson College who I still try to keep in touch with. It would be impossible for me to forget the adventure we had "trying to find a barbershop" at 10:00 P.M. on a Friday night. She is a kind, down-to-earth person who doesn't act phony as Holden Caulfield would say. Becoming friends with her was a highlight of my month at that school. Thats about it for today, so until tomorrow, here's to life

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

September 4th-Day 4

Today started out rainy but I kept positive and the day turned out all right. I enjoyed all three of my classes and got all my homework for tomorrow done. I read a bit more of Hard Times again today and am understanding more of the themes that Dickens is presenting to the reader. I started to practice a new card trick which is coming along well and I practiced some slight of hand tricks with coins as well. I went on the chat site Omegle to talk to a random person because I am still nervous about approaching a random stranger and starting a conversation. I ended up talking to a man who is about to finish up his time serving in the US Army. We talked about how very few people make the sacrifice to serve this great country and fight for all we live for. It reminded me of all the times I sang patriotic songs at the VA and how honored I felt to do this for the veterans. I am forever thankful to all those who serve in the armed forces of the USA and protect what we as a nation believe in. Today the random person I came up with is Lars Farber. He and I have had some great times over the past years from playing volleyball in middle school to after-prom of my senior year. He is now a freshman at James Madison University and I wish him the best of luck in his endeavors. I'll never forget the adventures of after-prom and all the laughs we have shared. Until tomorrow, here's to life

Monday, September 3, 2012

September 3rd-Day 3

Day three of my 30 day challenge went pretty well. I continued to practice the "Jack the Bounty Hunter" card trick and have just about mastered it. I read more of Hard Times, and I am starting to see the deeper meaning behind Dicken's work. I cleaned out some boxes that were simply taking up space in my room so now I have a cleaner, more organized room. It is nice having a clean room especially while trying to do work because I cannot procrastinate by cleaning. My drawings of eyes have gotten more realistic so I plan to work on lips soon. I have just about mastered flipping a coin across the knuckles of my fingers, a trick I've been wanting to master for a while. Today the random friend which I will write about is my oldest friend, Rick Peteka. I have had so many incredible memories with him, starting with him being my first friend when I moved to New York from Texas in 1999. We have spent so much time together over the years at each other's houses playing soccer, video games, watching movies, doing all the usual best friend things. One of my favorite memories with him is when we went with his family to see a soccer match at the old Giants Stadium between AC Milan and Juventus and the game went into penalty kicks. Rich is hysterical, smart, and a loyal friend and I am honored to have known him for so long. Unfortunately school continues tomorrow so I have to be up early for that and go through a day of classes. Until tomorrow, here's to life

Sunday, September 2, 2012

September 2nd-Day 2

Well today didn't go quite as well as the first in terms of this challenge. I didn't talk with someone I didn't know, I didn't practice any card tricks. I only practiced juggling a bit, this time doing more with only one hand and two balls (able to reach 27). Tomorrow I'll try some new random trick besides juggling to practice. I read some more of Hard Times, and it hasn't been a book that I am very interested in. Hopefully it will get more interesting and engaging as I keep reading it. Today my random number generator landed me on the name Brian Reynolds. He is a couple years younger than I am yet he is one of the funniest people I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. We have had many good times during shows (he is a drummer in the pit) and its always entertaining to be around him and on top of that he gives great hugs. I practiced drawing eyes a bit today and it definitely needs a lot of work. Thankfully I still have most of the month to get better. Once I get decent enough I'll take a picture of a drawing. Until tomorrow, here's to life

Saturday, September 1, 2012

September 1st-Day One

Today is was the first day in my self-imposed 30 day challenge. Everyday I am going to choose a random person from my friend list on Facebook and write something about positive about them. The person chosen today is Chris McLeod. I first met Chris in 6th grade and we became friends throughout middle school and high school. I always loved to play rugby with him and seeing some majestic sights in Europe after our junior year. He is smart, funny, and a fun person to hang out with and it is unfortunate we don't get to see each other as much because of college. Now on to my day. I woke up early to go to a soccer tournament in New York City (the picture was taken on the drive home) which led me to meet a couple new people who I would play with. It was fun even though we didn't win a game. I reached a new high juggling three balls after I got home-88. I hope by October I can easily reach 100 juggles. I found a pullover fleece in my closet that I purchased when I went to Boy Scout camp in 2007. I can't remember ever wearing it so its fitting to be the first thing I get rid of in my cleanse. I have mastered the card trick called "Jack the Bounty Hunter". To perform this trick I have an audience member take a card and memorize it. And then &*^&%%###$%^(*&*%%%^#@%&^*@$%%$(_?>"{}&$*!!+~=_*. I'd never reveal the secret. I have started to read the classic novel Hard Times by Charles Dickens, mostly because I have to read it for a class this semester. But it is good to read classic literature anyways, like how I read Dante's Inferno this past month. Working on nine of the ten goals is a great way to start the month (I'll work on the face tomorrow). Until tomorrow, here's to life!