It is the beautiful inside of Our Lady Queen of Martyrs parish where my family and I go to church. The biggest thing that I have done the past two days was work on some mash-ups of songs. I finished one and started on another and it is coming along really well. I've kept up my workouts and am practicing my skills. I still haven't bitten my nails which I am proud of. I'm glad I am able to get rid of this habit. Today I am writing about Sam Kessler, one of the most intelligent people I know. He is attending Georgia Tech studying aeronautical engineering (too much math for most people I think) and has been a great friend. I always enjoy catching up with him at the high school concerts. Sam is also a gifted musician who plays the sax and has done some composing as well. One of my fondest memories together was building a pyramid with Gatorade cups at our senior sunrise of band camp. We planned on building an even bigger one at some point but never got around to it...maybe this winter? It is always a pleasure to talk with Sam I'm excited to see him again when he comes home this winter. Until tomorrow, here's to life!
"You build walls and boundaries when you give into your mind. Fear nothing and take control of who you are and who you are meant to be" -Joel Brown
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