Sunday, February 10, 2013

Perspectives And Coming Out Ahead

Yesterday I realized that I had been at Fordham for a month, which to most people would not mean much. But I only lasted a month at Dickinson before returning home. This goes to show how much a different perspective can make. When I went to Dickinson, I was full of anxiety, slightly depressed, and not confident enough in my own self to succeed. As a result, I ended up going home to figure some things out. Life did not make much sense to me and I wasn't sure where I was going to go from there. I always thought I would travel along the typical path of going to college after high school, getting a degree, and then getting a job. With this wrench thrown in my plans, I started to learn more about myself, especially in the past six/seven months. I grew in mind, spirit, and body, which has enabled me to get to where I am now. When I first came to Fordham for orientation, I was nervous. I did not want a repeat of what happened my first attempt at college. There were some nights in the beginning that were hard and I felt like I didn't know what to do. But little by little I started to make friends, get more involved, and now I feel like I am at home here. The change I have gone through in a year and a half amazes me because I never would have thought I could go from such a low point in my life to such a high. When I first got back home from Dickinson, I often laid in my bed thinking that there wasn't anywhere to go with my life. But now I know that it is possible to bounce back from anything. It is all up to you as an individual to make life worth living. Thank you to all my family and friends for sticking by me through the tough times and helping me out. Now I am ready to conquer any challenge ahead of me and am excited to see what is in store. So my friends, here's to life!

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